Sunday, February 16, 2014

My One Year Anniversary!!

A whole year has gone by already! I remember the first week I was trying to set up this blog, I was ready to throw up my hands and walk away. I didn't even know what HTML was and I could not for the life of me make this thing do what I wanted it to do or look the way I wanted it to look. I didn't regularly read other's blogs, and didn't really have and idea of the possibilities. The blogging community is full of creative, smart and talented people who (thankfully for me) will even share some of their knowledge with you. My modest little set-up here is nothing compared to some other's that I've seen, but I'm OK with that. I'll get there eventually and in the mean time, I'm have fun creating and sharing new things.

Over the Apple Tree Blogiversary!

As of today: 
71  Total Posts
49,363 Total Pageviews

One year blogiversary top 10, Over The Apple Tree

I've compiled my top 10 posts from the last year for your viewing pleasure. Just what you were waiting for right?

Pasta Fagioli, Over The Apple Tree

DIY Barbie House by Over The Apple Tree

Kitchen Table Makeover by Over The Apple Tree

Hobbit Hole Cake by Over The Apple Tree

DIY fix kid's shoes, Over The Apple Tree

Diaper Cake Tutorial by Over The Apple Tree

Refashion boy's clothes into Girl's Clothes by Over The Apple Tree

Grow an Apple Tree from seeds by Over The Apple Tree

Fabric memo board made from thrift store canvas, Over The Apple Tree

Tips to clean up pots and pans, Over The Apple Tree

Without followers, I'm just a crazy person talking to myself! Thanks so much for joining me here, for all the lovely comments, and for liking & pinning my content!

I will be sharing with these great blogs!

Follow me here:


  1. Congrats on your one year mark. Your projects look great. Off to poke around some more!

  2. Thanks so much Shauna, glad you stopped by!

  3. Hi there,
    Congratulations on your anniversary!! You have a beautiful blog. I enjoyed browsing through your posts.

    ~ Ruth

    1. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to look around Ruth!

  4. happy blogaversary!!! look how far you have come. Knowledge is power. Thank you for joining the fun and sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  5. Happy 1 year blogiversary!! Such a great milestone! I LOVE the table redesign, it came out fantastic! Thanks so much for joining us at the MaMade Blog Hop, I hope you have a great weekend :)

  6. Happy Blogiversary! Crazy how it flies by right?! Such a great idea to do a top 10! Cheers to many more years! Thanks for linkin up to Sunday FUNday! XO

  7. Congratulations on your 1 year Blogiversary! I've nominated you to participate in the Liebster Award on my blog today.

    1. Woo hoo, thanks so much! Someone else nominated me a few weeks ago and I hadn't gotten around to working on my post until now. I'll send you a link when I'm done:-)

  8. Congrats on your blogiversary! It's amazing how quickly time goes by!


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