Tuesday, March 15, 2016

21 Tips To Fix Stuff Your Kids Mess Up

We've all been there or will be one day...your kid has destroyed something by accident or just because they're evil. You turn to your friends, family and even Google or Pinterest for advice. With suggestions from some of my mommy friends, I've compiled a list to help you out.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Crayon On Wall
I think this one happens to everyone's walls at some time. Trusty Mr Clean Magic Eraser always worked for me. I've also seen mentioned you can use toothpaste(regular not gel) or a paste of baking soda and water.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Toilet Problems
I'm talking about when you find little Johnny in the bathroom, you just heard it flush and he has a guilty look on his face. The Family Handyman has some great advice and everyone on Pinterest agrees a toilet auger works wonders and can be found at Home Depot for less than $10.

 Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Clean Stuffed Animals
I've always thrown ours in the washing machine but obviously, there are some friends that are more delicate and maybe this wouldn't be the best option. Check out the advice from Stain Removal 101.

how to clean and wash stuffed animals

Nail Polish
Thankfully I've only had small nail polish issues, not a giant spill, yikes! Do you have some sugar? Yup Interior Design Info says dump some sugar on wet nail polish to absorb!
Moddy Bee says you can remove nail polish from carpet this way.

How to Clean Spilled Nail Polish off the Floor
Luc Viatour flickr.com/photos/luc_viatour/3874430140/
Car Upholstery
Unless you throw down a tarp when your kids get in the car, you are going to have a mess no matter what age they are. This DIY cleaner made with Dawn, vinegar and club soda from Inspired Housewife looks like a miracle worker!

Easy Car Upholstery Stain Remover

Crayon In Dryer
I saw this on Pinterest and thought wow, that would really suck. Not a week later, it happened to me! Carrie Elle tells you how to fix it.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Holes In Jeans
Active kids have holes in their jeans...always. I feel like I'm forever buying jeans. When I see a good deal I grab as many as I can in a variety of sizes because I'm gonna need them. Don't forget, you can always patch them to make them last longer! Here are some cute ideas for patches.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Stickers On Wood
Why do they all do this? Give a kid some stickers and they will put them on everything! Just Joanna shows us how to remove stickers without ruining your wood surface with vegetable oil!

Gum In Hair
I always thought peanut butter was the answer, but here's another idea from Passion for Savings to try if PB isn't an option for you...coconut oil.

how to remove gum from hair

Clean Microfiber Furniture
This "easy to clean" furniture can sure be tricky when it comes to water stains. Personally, when my couch gets very grungy, I unzip the cushion covers and throw them in the washer. If that's not an option or you just have a small clean-up rubbing alcohol is amazing. It will even take ink off. Yes, my daughter drew all over my beige sofa with a ballpoint pen! Follow these tips from One Good Thing By Jillee

Clean Your Microfiber Couch

Permanent Marker
In addition to cleaning microfiber, rubbing alcohol is great for removing permanent marker! Alcohol might not be the best choice for all surfaces though, try toothpaste! My Life and Kids

Looking for tips on permanent marker removal? Removing permanent marker from your hardwood floors is simple and fast with the right tools.

Dry Erase Marker
Can I tell you, I hate dry erase markers. They are not for kids and will inevitably end up in their hands and on surfaces, they aren't meant for...like their clothes! When soap and rubbing alcohol didn't work, I went searching. Murphy Oil Soap and a toothbrush is the answer. Scrub, scrub and it will disappear.

Murphy Oil Soap removes dry erase markers from clothes!

Wood Furniture Repair
Whether it's you, your kids or your pets, wood furniture will eventually get beat up and need a little TLC. I personally use olive oil for small scratches. Check out these 8 tips from Yahoo Makers.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Scratched DVD
I found a ton of ways that people claim a scratched dvd can be fixed, banana peel, toothpaste, Vaseline, furniture polish, peanut butter, even shoe polish. A lot of people swear by the toothpaste. Here's something else you may not have considered, Universal Studios has a dvd replacement program. Disney used to offer the same type of program but it has been discontinued.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Hole In Drywall
Whether you have kids or not, holes in drywall can happen. Instead of hiding it behind strategically placed furniture or a picture, let Build.com show you how to fix it yourself.

How to Install a Bath Fan: Step 1

Repair Screen Door
How many times has someone walked right into the screen door? You might be lucky and it hasn't broken yet. When the screen does break, never fear, you can fix it yourself. Supplies can be found at your local home improvement store and Snapguide will show you how.

Remove your old spline and screen. Keep the spline to re-use if it is in good condition

Stuck Garbage Disposal
My kids are always taking their popcorn bowl and tossing it in the sink, unpopped kernels and all. Who knows what else they might toss in there that could get jammed. Don't call a repair technician yet, follow these steps from Curbly. I also found these instructions in my owners manual when this happened to me.

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Remove Super Glue
Super glue is literally super. My kids break crap all the time so I couldn't live without it. Unfortunately, it's easy to get in places where it's not supposed to be, especially when the kids get a hold of it. Nail Polish remover can save the day!(who's seen The Wedding Planner?) Find out how to remove from all different places at About.com

Clean Pee On Mattress
Potty training is a tough and dirty business. Dish soap, baking soda and peroxide can make your mattress like new again! What's Up Fagans

how to remove pee stains. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

Chewed Up Crib Rails
Wondering if your child is part beaver? Cover your crib rails with fleece to prevent them from chewing on it or to cover up the teeth marks they already made. This is an easy no sew solution. You could certainly get fancier if you have sewing skills. You could also add some poly batting or a pool noodle under the fabric to give it some cushion!

DIY Crib Rail Cover: Easy Idea With No Sewing Required

Remove Temporary Tattoos
It's school picture day and your child looks like they just got out of prison! No worries, those temporary children's tattoos can be removed with some baby oil

Image result for baby oil image

child safety tips, Over The Apple Tree
Safety Tips
Crafting On A Budget,Over The Apple Tree
Budget Crafting

Kids can be rough on your house and your belongings. Here are 21 tips how to fix some common things your kids mess up! Over The Apple Tree

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  1. Hi, found you at the Lets be friends blog hop. Love this post, so true the things kids try to stuff down the toilet, wow! I pinned to remind me later when things get messy

  2. wow! I don't have kids (yet) but some of these things didn't even occur to me... crayon in the dryer? yuck! Hope you got yours out! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!

    1. I did get most of the crayon out. Luckily it wasn't white clothes! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Great life hacks! We've gotten pens in the dryer but, not the crayons. Both are a bummer. Always check the pockets, lol. Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Pinned & shared. Always great to see you!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Theresa!

  4. Looks like the "Instruction Book For Mom's" that I have on the shelf!! ha/ha Love this post, great tips! Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  5. Well this makes me feel like my kids were super normal - they did pretty mush all these over the years - some of these I knew but some are new so thanks, you never know when some thing like this might happen.
    The sticker thing made me laugh though, I confess - I stuck stickers all over my wooden headboard when I was a kid, some things never change!

    1. I remember my brothers and I had these personalized "Property Of" stickers. I can still find childhood items in storage with a Property Of Laura stickers. I guess it's too hard to resist! Thanks for visiting Julia!

  6. LOVE this list! Pinning so I have it when I'll need it :) Thanks so much for sharing at Funtastic Friday!

    1. Glad you liked my post, thanks for the share!

  7. We have had so many of these 'mistakes' at our house. I can attest to the wonder of toothpaste on crayon. I used to use the Magic Eraser, but it left visible scratches on our walls. Toothpaste did the trick with a lot of elbow grease, but no scratches!

    1. Yes, I have noticed the magic erasers can damage some kinds of paint on walls. Good to know the toothpaste works!

  8. Wow Laura these all great tips you have shared. I pinned this.
    Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  9. Thank you for this nice sharing. Great post.


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