Tuesday, July 2, 2013

UPDATE: Grow An Apple Tree from Seeds

Apple Tree Update

This is an update to my post from April about how to grow an apple tree from seeds. You can read that post here. I started with about seven strong plants and after giving away a couple, I have three left. One of the three(not pictured) is not as happy as the other two. I'm trying to figure out what to do with that one.

Let me start off by saying that I kill all plants. The fact that there are three still alive is an actual miracle! I can't really say for sure why some of these just wouldn't grow, but I have a theory. The seeds that I used came from two different apples. One was a Granny Smith and one was either a Fuji or Braeburn. I'm thinking one of these types was not good for this project or may have needed a different environment. I have no idea which was which because we had them mixed together.

My trees are different sizes because I was moving them around into different size pots. In my tutorial I said that the trees could be planted outside when they reach 1.5-2 feet tall, but I think I'm going to place them in large pots and keep indoors until next spring. I live in a dry climate and want to make sure they are very strong before I exposed them to the elements.

My family and I have really enjoyed this gardening project and are continuing experimentation with
more seeds we find.

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