Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vintage Style Apron

Vintage Style Aprons

This is my first contribution to Over The Apple Tree and I'd like to share my sewing endeavor I took on this afternoon during a little downtime from a thunderstorm. Sewing is not my thing. I'm that girl who always ends up with strings jammed in the bobbin somehow. And I always seem to think up these grand ideas that involve sewing and quickly give up once I pull out that sewing machine. So, in light of conquering a machine and learning new skills I have decided to take on sewing.

I'm easing into things with a simple project inspired by my grandmother Clara's original handmade apron. She taught me to knit, crochet, bake, and craft but I never thought to ask her how to sew!

While thrift shopping for other projects I found this adorable skirt below but of course it was a size 0. I immediately thought of my grandmother's apron and thought how easy it would be to transform this skirt.

I started by folding the skirt in half with the button on one end and the tag side on the other and laying in out on the table (basically side to side instead of front to back as shown above).

I made one cut up the skirt from the bottom to the waste about 6in from what is the back of the skirt. This way when you opened up the skirt and laid it flat the pockets were symmetrical and the button in the middle of the apron.

Then I took the back piece for the straps and unfolded it and cut it into equal pieces in width.
Next I ironed the hem line edges of the sides of what was now the apron by folding a 1/2" piece over and ironing and then repeating once more for a clean edge. I also ironed the hem lines of the strap pieces in the same manner.

After sewing all the edges I attached the straps one on each side at the top of the apron and the project was complete! It took about 30 minutes all together and that included one small fight with the sewing machine.

To see more great vintage items visit Queen St. Artisan's Etsy shop

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Shared With: Craft-O-Maniac
                       Etsy Cottage Style


  1. Hi1
    Welcome to the Cottage Crafy Room Party! What a great redo.


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