Thursday, June 11, 2015

Updated Vintage Brass Plates

I inherited these Lombard brass wall plates from my grandmother. From what I can find online, these have been knocking around her house since the 50's! I was a little torn whether I should alter them at all. In the end I decided to go for it because there's no way I was hanging them in my house as they were. As cool as vintage stuff is, I just don't dig beat up ugly brass but really do love the Dutch scene on them. My ancestors are from the Netherlands!

Update vintage brass plates with spray paint >> Over The Apple Tree

The first thing I did was give these a really good cleaning. I used vinegar, water and a scrubby sponge. While researching online how to paint brass everyone says to prime first. Well I'm lazy and the store had spray paint with primer in it! That counts right? I ended up using Krylon Cover Maxx. I did several light coats until it was completely covered. Torture! I hate waiting for paint to dry. After the white, I took some Valspar Tanslucent Color Glaze(Mocha) and applied it with a q-tip into the areas that I wanted a little darker. I wiped it off with a dry rag and played with it until I got the look I wanted. I think the glaze really helps the design pop.

Update vintage brass plates with spray paint >> Over The Apple Tree

Update vintage brass plates with spray paint >> Over The Apple Tree

Update vintage brass plates with spray paint >> Over The Apple Tree

Update vintage brass plates with spray paint >> Over The Apple Tree

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  1. What!?! These are gorgeous! I need to find some brass plates now:) How clever! I agree...painting them so you'll love and USE them is so much better than having them boxed up :)

  2. Wow Laura your plates look amazing that you transformed! Thanks for linking up to our Cooking & Crafting with J & L link up party!

  3. Oh wow; what a neat idea!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  4. Hello, I found this on Monday's Meandering Site. So I wanted to visit. These are beautiful! I love having things from my mother and grandmother. You did a great job on them! Pinned and followed (jody53)

  5. Great project! Love how they turned out :)

    1. Thanks Brenda. I just stopped by your blog and I LOVE the father's day wrench frame!

  6. Great transformation of dated plaques! Thanks for linking up!

  7. I love the updated ones. I should think of doing something like that before I get rid of outdated things. Thanks for sharing with Thursday Favorite Things and hope you have an amazing weekend!

  8. wow those look totally different now! paint is amazing! Thanks for sharing this over at Bewitchin' Projects Block Party! Hope you will join us again this week!

    1. Hey Shonee! Yeah, spray paint can save anything right?

  9. I love the transformation - Thanks for linking up to Pin Worthy Wednesday, I have pinned your post to the Pin Worthy Wednesday Pinterest Board.

    1. Hi Amber! Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look.

  10. I'm in love with this! Thank you for sharing this with us! Pinned and tweeted! I hope to see you at tonight's party. We are always so impressed with your creations and can't wait to see them! Lou Lou Girls

  11. liz@bowdabrablog.comJune 26, 2015 at 6:41 PM

    Thank you very much for joining in and making our Bowdabra Crafty Saturday Showcase, we will look forward to seeing your post next Saturday.

    Warm Regards,
    The Bowdabra Team

  12. I have a bunch of similar plates from Goodwill. Unfortunately, my husband ruined my favorite copper one by buffing it. :( I've been planning to paint them all for a while now. I was thinking in shades of silver, reminds me of my friend'd dad's pewter plate collection I've always loved.
    I love the look of yours! I think I will go for it as soon as I get my hands on more spray paint! Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Oh silver would look cool! I'd love to see your plates when you're done.

  13. The brass plates look amazing and I love how you can just give things a new look and life. I know sometimes I want to go for that vintage brass look, but wow, the paint really makes the plates look timeless. You transformed those brass plates into ones that could belong in any home. Now I have to go find my on brass plates to update.

    Brandi Bradley @ Rotax Metals

    1. Thanks Brandi! I'm really glad I went for it and painted them. Spray paint fixes anything right?

  14. Really This is going to be helpful post...!! brass plate

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