Sunday, December 21, 2014

Crochet Gifts 2014

I show my love for family and friends by giving handmade gifts! I figure they are sick of the same old stuff and handmade means you get something one of a kind and hopefully useful. Here are some crochet gifts I made this year along with links to the free patterns(photos are my own). 


Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple TreeCrochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

I did make a few alteration to the pattern as advised by others on Ravelry


Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

I've had this pattern saved on Pinterest for a while but was overwhelmed by the chart pattern. I got over it and love how this turned out!
Pattern by Pierrot Yarns 
If you're interested in trying this pattern check out my tutorial to accompany the chart pattern. 


Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

This beagle puppy is so cute as are all amigurumi patterns from this designer. I found eyes and nose at Hobby Lobby

Button Infinity Scarf

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

These beautiful wood buttons are very reasonably priced at Hobby Lobby

Brain Waves Beanie

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Love all patterns from this designer and this one is free!

Shell Stitch Cowl

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Ribbed Button Cowl

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

I didn't double up the yarn I used for this as the pattern called for and it came out just fine.

Color Block Earflap Hat

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

This is my go to earflap hat pattern. For this hat I changed it up a little by making longer in the back.

Bacon Scarf

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

My kid has this thing with bacon because of a ridiculous YouTube music video. He's going to LOVE this!
Pattern by Drunken Aunt Wendy

Hooded Cowl

Crochet Gifts 2014 >> Over The Apple Tree

Special request from my teen son.
Original design by me...pattern coming soon!

Want to see my crochet creations from last year? Click here
Crochet Christmas Gifts >> Over The Apple Tree

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  1. These are so cute!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  2. Wow you made so many nice projects! Have a Merry Christmas.
    Julie @ Julie's Lifestyle

    1. Thanks Julie! It's been a long December, I'm glad I finished everything in time!

  3. You have been busy! Hope the family all appreciate the thought and love that comes with all of these: pretty sure they will! Have a wonderful Festive Season, folowed by a Prosperous and above all, Healhty, New Year. Look forward to more chances to meet in 2015

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by Isobel! Happy New Year!

  4. I absolutely love these! One of my closet friends is a very talented crocheter; she always makes us the best gifts and they mean the world to us! I love the beagle puppy! Thank you so much for sharing! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

    Jodie @ Love, Laughter & Decor

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog Jodie:-)

  5. These are so cute! I have to say, I am not a crochet-er! It has taken me a year to find the time to 1/2 knit a scarf. I am more at home in the kitchen, but I just couldn't not look at these little cuties! So cute!!

    1. Aw thanks so much Kirsten! I had a lot of fun this holiday trying new ideas.

  6. I love the ribbed button cowl! I want to learn how to knit and crochet. I used to as a kid a little bit. Thanks for sharing at the party and hope to see you again soon! Theresa @DearCreatives Happy New Years!

    1. If it's something you really want to get into, there are so many video tutorials now that would make it so easy. The ribbed cowl would be fantastic for a beginner! Thanks for visiting Theresa!

  7. Gorgeous projects, I love the cowl especially, the shall stitch one.

  8. Such a great collection of crocheted gift items! Eye-catching.
    I would love if you would share this at our Yarn Fanatic Linky Party for all to enjoy -


    1. Thanks so much Alexandra, I'll check it out! If you have a blog button I'll add you to my link party list!

  9. What wonderful gifts! I especially like the dragon. Too cool!


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