Monday, March 31, 2014

Picnic Basket Tutorial

Upcycle those old Easter baskets into fun picnic baskets for summer!
Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

It's almost Easter and you can't walk into a thrift store without tripping over some baskets. My daughter has a little quilt that she insists is for picnics, obviously she needs a picnic basket for a picnic, duh! I got this little basket at the thrift store for $.50...awesome! So I remember my mom doing this once a long time ago, simple project that looks super fancy when you're done. We're just cutting the lid out of cardboard and covering with fabric, easy right?

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Here's what you need:
    Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree
  • basket
  • fabric
  • batting
  • cardboard
  • ribbon
  • lace
  • glue gun
My basket, like most, is not exactly the same size/shape on one side as the other. You can just flip the basket upside down and trace around the edge to get the lid exactly the size/shape you need. If your sides are different like mine, be sure to keep track of the top and bottom of lids as well as which lid goes to which side. 

You will need two pieces of cardboard for each side, a top and bottom. I used some thick, heavy duty cardboard for the top piece, so for my bottom piece of cardboard, I used a very thin cardboard(cereal box) If your cardboard is thinner than mine you could just use two of the same.

Now just cover the top of the lid with batting and fabric and attach with hot glue. Then cover the underside of the bottom piece with just fabric. For the bottom piece I used spray adhesive to attach but you could just use the hot glue too. 

You are going to use a piece of fabric in the center to connect the two sides together. Measure the center of basket between the two handles to figure out how long to make it, I folded mine over, so there would be no rough edges.

Glue the fabric piece to the bottom pieces of cardboard. You should place the cardboard on the basket before so you can line it up and position correctly. Now attach the lace and the ribbon. To finish, you glue the tops with the batting onto the bottom pieces.

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Now just position on top of basket and tie ribbons to secure. You might also want to add a fabric lining to the inside of the basket!

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

Picnic Basket Tutorial, Over The Apple Tree

picnic basket tutorial, over the apple tree

Check my Gallery for more tutorials.

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  1. Hi Lauren what a different take on an Easter basket! I love the way this looks and that was so creative of you! Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks so much Julie, it was a lot of fun!

  2. What a great basket!!!!Good tutorial too!
    I like your blog-I'm your new follower!
    Big hugs from Greece!

    1. Welcome Anastasia, I'm so glad you stopped by!

  3. Wow, this is too cute!!! I love all details! ! Thanks for sharing this tutorial! Would love to have you visit my blog sometime :)
    Hope you have a wonderful day and week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

    1. Thanks Ana! I'm happy to visit your blog. Have a great day!

  4. Such a great time of year for this project! I love how your diy basket up do turned out. Theresa @DearCreatives
    Drop by sometime and share at my weekly parties if you like.

    1. Hi Theresa! Thanks for visiting and for the invite to check out your party!

  5. Laura, this such a GREAT idea! I have so many random baskets lying around that I knew would use one day, I just didn't know what for, until now. So cute! I will have to make at least 2 of these, one for each of my girls. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I'm so glad you liked the basket Meg, thanks for stopping by!

  6. awww i love this. it's so cute and it looks like a pretty straightforward project. my kiddo would love this.

  7. Gorgeous basket - thank you for the tutorial :)

  8. Really pretty and a great idea.

  9. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Pinned ya! This is adorable. Great pics too. If you have not shared yet at the Anything Goes linky at Bacon Time, please do.

    1. Thanks Mindie! I added you to my link party list.

  11. This is so adorable and so nostalgic. I love it. I'm going to have to seek out the best basket to make my own! Thanks for sharing :)

  12. I can't get over how adorable this is!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  13. So adorably cute! Your photo's are precious... What acute little girl with a cute white dress and a sweet little picnic basket.....'
    great idea!!
    It was so fun to see this linked up at our party. I pinned!! Thanks much!! :)
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

    1. Thanks so much Crystelle! My daughter can't wait to go for a picnic, now if it would just stop snowing!

  14. This is SO cute!! I've linked to your tutorial in a Craft Gossip post this morning:

    1. So happy you liked it Anne! Thanks so much.

  15. Congratulations! This post will be featured over at Diana Rambles on Friday and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest, Tweeted, and Recommended on G+. Please grab a featured button off my sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

  16. This is absolutely adorable! You did such a great job with it.

  17. You've been featured on Link'n Blogs! Come see your feature and link up again. :)

    Put A Bird On It

  18. What a cute little basket--and just in time for Easter! Thanks for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  19. That's such a great idea, I love it. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great weekend!!

  20. Adorable! My daughter would love that! Thanks for linking up at the "Get Your DIY On" link-up! Come back on May 4th to share your flower projects! :)

  21. Hey Laura! I love this Easter basket upcycle. I recently published a blog post about perfect picnic ideas and included a link to your awesome project. Go check it out!


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