Thursday, March 6, 2014

Liebster Awards

Thank you so much to Julie's Lifestyle Blog and Southern Distinctions for nominating me for a Liebster Award! (Insert my unused Oscar speech here) 

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  The meaning of Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.  Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about new bloggers/blogs.

Here is a list of the rules that I need to follow as well as the 11 bloggers that I choose:

  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
  2. Answer 11 questions the awarding blogger has posted for you
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) for the award and link them in your post
  4. Create 11 questions the nominated bloggers have to answer
  5. Let the nominated bloggers know they were nominated

11 Random facts about me:

1. I have lived in five different states for some period of time. For a while there, my husband and I felt like nomads, but we now live in Colorado and have been here for nine years! 

2. I love to read. I read everyday and go to library at least once a week...sometimes more!

3. I always order the same food in restaurants. It's not that I don't want to try new things, it's just that when I do, it seems like I always get burned and I end up wishing I had stuck with what I knew was good.

4. Cleaning of course sucks, but for some reason, I have no problem cleaning other people's houses.

5. I collect Barbies. I've always loved Barbies, always will. At last count I had 35 and they are still in their boxes, stored in huge Rubbermaid bins in my basement. 
I receive Barbie Collectors magazine so my daughter and I can pick out our favorites every season. Right now I really want the Wizard Of Oz Fantasy Glamour Dorthy and The Wicked Witch dolls.

6. I spent two years researching my family history. I am totally fascinated to find out who they were,where they came from and how they had the courage to pack up their life and come to America. Genealogy is a never ending journey which I will pick back up one day when I have more time.
My ancestors! Laura @ Over The Apple Tree

7. I'm a total sci-fi nerd. I grew up with Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit. Now as an adult I'm a Harry Potter geek. 

8. If I could go back in time I would either be a doctor or an architect. 

9. I have no desire whatsoever to go on a cruise. I'm terrified. It will never happen.

10. My husband and I watch so many survival reality shows that I'm pretty confident we could survive anywhere at this point.

11. I'm almost positive that I lived in 1800's England in a past life.

11 Questions I have been asked
Why did you start blogging?
I started this blog because I planned to open an Etsy Store and I wanted to create a larger online presence. Turns out blogging all my crafty stuff is actually more fun!

How did you pick your blog name?
Hmmm, not an easy answer...I was throwing around names forever before I came to this one. I guess apple trees make me feel nostalgic because my grandma had one in her yard. You could see it out the dinning room window and when I would spend weekends there, her and my grandpa would point out different kinds of birds that would land on the bird feeders. I also remember when I was little, drawing picture after picture of houses with apple trees next to them.

What is your favorite hobby?
I'm a crafter. I sew, crochet, do projects to fix up my home, scrapbook...pretty much anything that's sold in a craft store, I've had my hands on it. 

What is your favorite travel destination?
I love to go home to see my family in NY. I can't go as often I used to, so it's pretty special to me when I can.

Do you cook?
Everyday. I know so many people who just don't know what to do in a kitchen. I'm baffled, how do they eat?

Makeup or no makeup?
I put on makeup everyday. Even if I don't leave the house I like to feel somewhat put together.

What is your favorite season of the year?
My favorite season is the fall. It's a welcome change after the hot summer. There is a chill in the air and you get to wear cozy sweaters and best of all...I like to buy school supplies!

Who is your favorite celebrity?
I don't know, I really love Mindy Kaling right now. I'm pretty sure if I ever met her we would for sure become best friends.

What is your favorite food?
Spaghetti. I think I could eat it everyday.

What is your favorite movie?
Who has one favorite movie? I love, love, love Pride And Prejudice though.

What is one word your friends would use to describe you?
Most people describe me as quiet until they know me better.

Blogs I have chosen(some of you may have more than 200 followers, just go with it!)
Thrift For Today
Queen St. Artisan
She's Crafty
Three Kids And A Fish
Label Me Organized
At The Corner Of Happy And Harried
Lip Gloss And Lumber
Eat. See. Home.

11 questions for chosen blogs
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is your favorite post from your own blog?
  3.  Do you have any goals this year?
  4. If you could stay the same age forever what would it be?
  5. What is your favorite holiday?
  6. Do you have a pet peeve?
  7. If you could live anywhere outside the US, where?
  8. Do you collect anything?
  9. Do you have a favorite author?
  10. What is your favorite thing about spring?
  11. What is the most memorable gift you have ever received?

Check my Gallery for projects I've been working on.

I will be sharing with these great blogs!

Follow me here:


  1. Hi Laura, thanks for doing the Liebster Award! I loved your answers and getting to know you better! I'm so glad that we are blog friends! I love your blog so much and we have a lot in common. I love to read, crochet, I always get up everyday and put on makeup too, it makes me feel better and I love cooking. Thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks again for the nomination Julie. It took me forever to get this up but it was fun!

  2. Hi Laura! Thank you so much for nominating me :) I love barbie too, my Sister in law collects them. I haven't seen the Wizard of Oz ones yet but now I know what to get my SIL for her birthday next month, they really are gorgeous.

    One question though, When you were nominating other blogs what did you look at to determine their "followers"? Did you use Facebook, or Google+ or ???, I'm just a little confused on that part, :P
    Thanks again for the nomination, I'll let you know when I get the post up (hopefully it won't take me too long ;)

    1. If there's a way to determine the actual number of followers a blog has, I don't know what it is. There are so many different ways to follow a blog, I think it's about impossible. For the most part I tried looking at Facebook and Google+. It took me over a month to get this post up since I've been so busy and even in double checking some of the blogs I had written down before I published, I noticed they had gone over the 200. I think the actual number requirement is taken pretty loosely and people are more trying to keep with the spirit of the "award". For those who choose to participate, it's a fun way to recognize fellow bloggers, get to know one another and give everyone an opportunity to increase readership. Look forward to reading your responses!

    2. Thanks Laura, I'll probably use Facebook and/or Google too then, sounds like a good idea. I've got to go through my list on Bloglovin and pick some out to nominate now. Thanks for the help :)


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