Friday, May 23, 2014

Matryoshka Wood Burning

My new Matryoshka project!

I've been working on this on and off for a while and finally sat down and actually finished it! I have tons of scrap wood in the garage and I have been thinking about trying a wood burning design for a while. Since I'm going crazy with Matryoshka dolls right now...why not!

Matryoshka woodburning and water color project, Over The Apple Tree

First thing's first, decide on a design...
There are so many options for these dolls, it was really hard to pick how I wanted this to look. In the end, the simplest design to burn won. I'm not a wood burning master, so I figured why make it harder than it's already going to be.

Matryoshka woodburning and water color project, Over The Apple Tree

Transfer your design...
After I decided on the design I cut it out and then traced with pencil on the back. I flipped it over and traced again, transferring the pencil mark to the wood.

Before I started to burn the wood, I used the wood burner tip(not turned on) to score my pencil marks. Since my wood was so bumpy, this made it easier to stay in the lines and gave me less opportunity to mess up when the wood burner was on.

Matryoshka woodburning and water color project, Over The Apple Tree

Burn the design...
Turn on your wood burner and go for it! I've used mine a few times for other projects, but if you haven't used a one before, practice on some scrap wood first. This way you can get a feel for how fast to move and the pressure to use.

My original plan was to just burn the design and stain the wood, but then I wondered what would happen if I put some watercolor on there. It gave it color without covering the wood grain, which I love.

Matryoshka woodburning and water color project, Over The Apple Tree

Seal with polyurethane...
When I was done I added one coat of matte polyurethane to protect the watercolor. I'm thinking I'm going to add a hook on the back so I can put this up on the wall. 

Matryoshka wood burning and watercolor project, Over The Apple Tree

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  1. Hi Laura again. Your wood project is so nice and you did a great job! Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks Julie! I hope you're having a great weekend as well.

  2. I have always loved Matryoshka dolls. You did a beautiful job on this project. This has inspired me to look in to wood burning.

    1. I think wood burning looks so cool, hope you try it!, Thanks for visiting me!

  3. Soo beautiful! I love this wooden work! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  4. Wow, so pretty!

    Thanks again for joining the Link Up this week!

  5. Hi Laura, thanks so much for taking the time to stop and leave the sweet comment on my crocheted blanket. When I saw the one that the lady Darlene made I new I had to make one too. I usually do scarves and baby blankets but it was fun to make when the weather was cold. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. I've always loved matryoshka dolls, and I love the way this project turned out. Great detailing! :)

    1. Thanks so much Dee! Stop by again, I have more Matryoshka ideas:-)

  7. This is just so lovely - my daughter would love this, she collects Matryoshka dolls. You did a wonderful job! Visiting from the Weekend re-treat Party. Thanks so much for sharing and pinning - hope you have a great Friday and weekend!

    1. I have lots more Matryoshka ideas Cindy, hope you follow along!

  8. This is sooooo dang cute! I absolutely adore this! Amazing work!

  9. Oh my goodness, this is beautiful. I've never tried wood burning, you make it look easy.

  10. Lovely project. My mom and grandmother had these dolls, we used to play with them all the time. Love the effect of the watercolor on wood!

  11. That's beautiful, I love it. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  12. That is beautiful. Wood burning is something that I have never tried, but I have wanted to for so many years. Thanks for linking up to Thursday S.T.Y.L.E.

    1. Thanks for hosting Katie! I hope you give the wood burning a try, I would love to see it!

  13. I love this project! The added bit of color makes it pop just right. :) I featured you over on Creative Spark today.

  14. I love your art piece! And congratulations! You're one of the features on this week's Fridays Unfolded!


    1. Yay! Thanks so much for the feature Alison! I also appreciate having a place to share my posts, thanks for the party:-)


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